Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life

by 青色羽翼/Cyan Wings

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A person’s time was always going forward. There was no turning back. If time flowed backwards, it was only some individual dimension in space changing, not history reversing. 

Yu Hua knew that he could go back with You Zhengping. He didn’t need to walk the timeline once again. But when he had seen that spatial passage leading home, Yu Hua had understood how the world law would help them return to that dimension of time. 

Because everything was moving forward. 

Yu Hua had understood what the world law wanted to do, so he had to stay behind. 

The whole level 500 world had become a void and turned into a vast, boundless celestial body. It revolved at extremely high speed, constantly attracting world power coming from different dimensions in the void. Its tentacles were connected to countless levelers. These were Its provisions. 

“I know you’ve also discovered the world law’s goal. Though that doesn’t matter. You’ll forget,” Yu Hua said calmly at the center of the vast celestial body. 

Yu Hua deeply admired You Zhengping’s world law. During hundred of years of the System’s attacks, it had made countless plans, and had at last seized the one chance to defeat the System. 

For this chance, Yu Hua’s timeline had turned from a straight line to a circle. He had to once again walk a road he had already passed along. 

Enormous power erupted from the center of the System’s body. It wanted to swallow Yu Hua whole. Yu Hua said, “No, we haven’t come to the decisive battle yet. I won’t take you down with me yet.” 

The System already knew everything. In the next world, he couldn’t let It disturb him. 

Yu Hua barged into the System’s power center. In order to resist the System’s power, which was sufficient to destroy a planet, he had to incessantly unseal his own power. 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, 99%…


The moment he completely undid the seal, the System also recovered the power of Its prime. It was going to consume Yu Hua. 

Yu Hua, however, used the System’s avaricious gobbling of the unsealed power to charge into the System’s core data storage. 

He couldn’t directly destroy the core data storage. That would only provoke a backlash from the System. Before Its death, It would kill all the worlds and all the levelers. Yu Hua had come to do only one thing—to seal the System’s data concerning him after level 500. 

Yu Hua knew that the seal couldn’t last too long. He was only buying time like this. 

He had to conceal things from the System, conceal what happened during those 2,410 years, conceal his and the world law’s goal. 

The System’s data wasn’t like a human’s memories, which could be forgotten. If he wanted to seal a certain segment of data, he needed to encrypt it using an extremely similar segment of data. Encrypting data with similar data was along the same lines as sealing power with similar power. 

Yu Hua had similar data—memories from the same time. 

For this person, he needed to use his own data storage to seal the System’s, create countless hard to break encryptions. 

Doing this, he would also temporarily forget that period of time. 

But that didn’t matter. Everything was for the sake of a better meeting. 

For the sake of meeting you again, I’ve decided to temporarily forget you. 

The endless original data signal plunged into the System’s database storage. The System realized what Yu Hua was doing. It furiously wanted to consume Yu Hua, but there was no time. 

The mysterious original data signal firmly locked all the data concerning Yu Hua after level 500. An enormous energy attack burst towards Yu Hua. He was seriously injured, but still firmly encrypted the data. 

The System struggled several times and at last gradually calmed. Yu Hua was sent flying by the energy attacks and returned to the System’s central world. 

Yu Hua awoke on the central world covered in wounds. Holding his aching head, he remembered that he had been bewitched by his expanding power during level 500 and had killed his former companions. Yu Hua’s heart ached as though being twisted. He entirely hadn’t thought that he could do such a thing. It contradicted his original intentions. 

Yu Hua determined not to be consumed by power from then on. He would preserve his humanity and battle the System. 

Luckily his head had cleared in time during level 500. His humanity had gotten the upper hand. He wouldn’t continue to do wrong. 

But—how had his head cleared? 

Yu Hua touched his wounds. He felt that there was something important missing in his mind. What was it? 

He left the empty palatial room and went outside of the central world. He got out the “rule writer” and wrote in the air—

Rule 1, The “Tyrant” will not hold authority again. All levelers may act freely and pass levels normally. 

Rule 2, The “Tyrant” will enter among the masses and others will be unable to see the “Tyrant”’s identity. 

Rule 3, From now on, no one will know the “Tyrant”’s name and title. 

He put away the brush. Yu Hua quietly looked at the sky. 

Allowing the levelers to complete their mission would certainly cause harm to different worlds. But it was no use holding them down excessively. In order to obtain points and greater power, the levelers would secretly accept missions. It was better to clear the way than to block. 

He would masquerade as an ordinary leveler, join others’ groups, set foot onto each world that could be saved. 

The three rules spread to each person’s consciousness. All the levelers felt a load lift from them, as though a heavy stone pressing on their heart had disappeared. 

A rainbow appeared in the sky. Yu Hua raised his head and looked at the seven-colored rainbow light. He reached out a hand towards the sky, wanting to grab that light, but it was too far. He couldn’t touch it. 

If you wanted to ascend to the clouds, you could only walk one step at a time. 

Yu Hua pretended to be a leveler of neither high nor low grade. He formed groups with others and entered world after world. 

While his teammates completed their missions, he stealthily left the team and looked for the fragments of that world’s natural law. 

There were world laws that were mostly complete, and there were world laws that had been torn to shreds. Yu Hua communicated with the world law. Sometimes the communication was easy, and sometimes they might fight. Luckily, Yu Hua had time and he had patience. He would persevere in his dialogue with the world law, telling It his goal, giving It a segment of calculation data and letting It make the choice. 

 The world law, having accepted Yu Hua’s data, would chose to voluntarily give Its “allegiance” and have Its power “controlled” by Yu Hua. But Yu Hua didn’t absorb Its power. Instead, he quietly left a rule in the world, giving up “control” over it. 

The rule lay hidden in the world. Because it had been written with Yu Hua’s “control,” the System couldn’t notice the rule’s existence. It had no idea what Yu Hua was doing. 

Yu Hua didn’t participate in leveling missions at all. He would only choose teams going to different worlds, then vanish when they arrived at the world. 

His former teammates were unsatisfied. While fulfilling their missions, they incessantly cursed him, and they decided that when they returned to the central world, they would tell everyone not to let Yu Hua into their teams. This was a person who freeloaded on missions, treading water the whole way. As soon as they arrived at the mission world, he would disappear without a trace. 

They would return bearing their anger to the central world, but when others asked them the name of this lazy cheating leveler, they couldn’t say anything to the point. 

No one could remember Yu Hua’s name. They were only temporary teammates for one world. As soon as they left that world, they couldn’t remember who it was who had joined their team. 

Yu Hua left tracks on countless worlds, but he left no memories in any leveler’s mind. 

Before, he had imposed the heavy weight of resisting the System onto the levelers. He didn’t say so, but inside he resented them as useless and forced them to do things that were impossible to begin with, hanging the levelers’ lives from a cable wire over a towering precipice and complaining that they didn’t have the courage to walk across the cable to the opposite bank. 

The Yu Hua then hadn’t thought that not everyone had the ability to walk the cable. Natural endowments were different. Using himself as a standard to make demands on others was a sort of cruelty to the levelers. 

It was very lonely passing levels on his own, and doing the same thing again and again was boring. At times like that, Yu Hua would control the light rays and the atmosphere to create a rainbow in the sky of that world. He would quietly look at it for a day, two days…until he had seen enough of it. 

At times like this, the levelers would sometimes also sigh about how beautiful the rainbow was, and the native residents of that world who had never seen a rainbow would stop their weary steps and take a look at the rich and diverse colors. 

Seeing a rainbow always made people happy. 

Yu Hua’s tracks were left behind on world after world. Yu Hua himself didn’t know how long he had to go. He only knew that the road was still very, very long before he reached the end, but he had to persevere. 

Luckily, as long as they didn’t lose, a leveler’s life was endless. With a lifespan this long, time became meaningless. 

He no longer counted the passing days. He counted the passing worlds. One world would count as a day. 

1,000, 2,000, 3,000…

On the 3,841st world, Yu Hua stopped. He felt that the appointed time had arrived. 

He said to the System, I’m tired. Neither of us can defeat the other. Let’s stand down. I’ll choose some world and go rest. 

The System agreed, though Yu Hua knew that It was only compromising because there was nothing It could do to him for the moment. As soon as there was hope, the System would attempt to consume his power. 

Yu Hua chose an unopened world at random to prevent the System from disturbing his rest. He used 50% of the System’s power to seal his own power. In the midst of the System’s explosion, he entered that unopened world. 

This time, he wanted to start from a person’s childhood, though he would certainly have an identity without father or mother. Too young a person would be hard. Yu Hua chose twelve years old, the beginning of the period of maturation. He wanted to start from twelve years old and live bit by bit to a ripe old age. When his life ended, he would take the System’s power to the grave. 

As soon as he entered this world, he only had time to pass through a heavy fog. He saw a ten-year-old little boy sleeping quietly in the upper bunk of a dormitory bed. 

Yu Hua thought that his days had been too lonely. It would be better to choose to grow up in this training camp, have companions who could support him and be supported from his youth. 

“I’m here,” Yu Hua said quietly. 

Just then, data entered his mind: You have returned as arranged.

Returned? Yu Hua thought doubtfully. He didn’t think he had ever been to this world. 

Yu Hua had communicated with countless world laws. He knew that this data had come from this world’s law. 

The world law continued to convey Its message to Yu Hua: Entering the world on your scheduled time dimension may alter the world’s current progress. In order to guarantee the accuracy of the outcome of the calculations, the law will convey you to the appropriate time dimension.

What was It saying? Yu Hua didn’t entirely understand what the world law meant. Were all complete world laws this willful? What was the appropriate time dimension? He had chosen this world at random. How could there be an appropriate or inappropriate time?

Yu Hua wanted to refuse. He had chosen twelve years old, but the world law insisted on throwing him fifteen years afterwards. Why? 

Unfortunately, he had sealed his powers. He couldn’t resist the world law. He only looked deeply at the little boy, and then he was taken away from this time node. 

He was forced fifteen years in the future. It was a rainy afternoon. 

Yu Hua stood in the greenery of an estate. A black umbrella had been tossed onto the law. He was wearing a button-down shirt and suit pants. On his feet were a pair of black leather shoes commonly worn by society’s diligent workers. On his wrist was a watch worth less than 1,000 yuan. 

He looked at the time. 17:45. 

The rain pattered down, though it was getting lighter and lighter. Yu Hua raised his head to look at the increasingly thin dark clouds in the sky. He thought, will I get to see a rainbow? 

For no reason he understood, he liked rainbows. This seemed to be a place where he could see a rainbow. 

Yu Hua picked up the black umbrella and stood in the estate with his head raised to look at the sky, quietly waiting for the sky to clear. 

At 17:50, space-time suddenly twisted. The space in front of Yu Hua twisted. A husky wrapped in flames charged out of the space at an unimaginable speed. 

It was pulling three people behind it. There was a young man in a police uniform holding a sleeping child in his arms, with an unconscious grown man over his shoulder. 

Yu Hua walked over curiously and raised the umbrella over the young man in the police uniform to block the wind and rain. 

The young man in the police uniform hurriedly patted out the flames on the husky’s body. Seeing that someone was holding an umbrella over him, he angrily said, “Don’t you see I’m using the rain to put out the fire? Don’t block…” 

The young man raised his head and met Yu Hua’s curious eyes. He stopped patting out the flames. 

That one look unlocked Yu Hua’s data, which had been sealed for thousands of years. 

The instant he saw You Zhengping, the lengthy data that had encrypted the System’s data storage, uncontrollably returned to Yu Hua’s consciousness. 

The memories lying unused for thousands of years were instantly unsealed. Scene after scene appeared in his mind. The umbrella in Yu Hua’s hand fell to the ground. 

Countless emotions surged up in his heart. Thousands of years of unspoken words turned into a single line. Yu Hua’s fingers trembled. He smiled faintly. “Look, what did I say? When you get back, I’ll be here waiting for you.” 

“Bastard!” You Zhengping dropped Junjun onto the unconscious “Guan Shaoguang” and ran towards Yu Hua. He hugged him, his tears flowing uncontrollably. 

“To hell with your already waiting here. How many years have you waited?” You Zhengping hung off of Yu Hua, wailing disgracefully. 

“It wasn’t so long.” Yu Hua gently stroked You Zhengping’s hair. “It passed in the blink of an eye.” 

The rain stopped. After the rain, the sun refracted off the water droplets and formed a rainbow. 

Under the rainbow, Yu Hua at last once again met You Zhengping. 

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